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1909 Checklist

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Checklist of United States Public Documents, 1789 - 1909

Last update: January 22, 2010

Send comments to:
Carlos A. Diaz

Title Page | Preface to the Third Edition | Abbreviations & Explanations
Table of Contents | Introduction | First 14 Congresses | Congressional Tables

Alphabetical Search

SuDocs Call Number Search

Related Resources
American State Papers | U.S. Serial Set
War Department Papers, 1784 - 1800

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1909 Checklist SuDocs Listing: W

Last update: January 9, 2009

Send comments to:
Carlos A. Diaz

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SuDocs Stem:
War Department

Online Resources

W 1
Office of the Secretary
W 2
General Staff Corps
W 3
Adjutant-General's Department
W 4
Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park Commission
W 5
Subsistence Department
W 6
Bureau of Insular Affairs
W 7
Engineer Department
W 8
Geographical Surveys West of 100th Meridian (Wheeler)
W 9
Inspector-General's Department
W 10
Judge-Advocate General's Department
W 11
W 12
Military Academy
W 13
California Department
W 14
Colorado Department
W 15
Columbia Department
W 16
Department of Dakota
W 17
Department of the East
W 18
Department of the Gulf
W 19
Department of the Lakes
W 20
Department of the Missouri and Division of the Missouri
W 21
Philippines Division
W 22
Department of the Platte
W 23
Porto (Puerto) Rico Department
W 24
Texas Department
W 25
Cuba Department and Division of Cuba
W 26
Military Information Division
W 27
Military Prison
W 28
Army Service Schools
W 29
Coast Artillery School
W 30
Mounted Service School
W 31
Mississippi River Commission
W 32
Missouri River Commission
W 33
Northern and Northern Lakes Survey
W 34
Ordnance Department
W 35
Ordnance and Fortification Board
W 36
Pay Department
W 37
W 38
Public Buildings and Grounds Office
W 39
Quartermaster's Department
W 40
Record and Pension Office
W 41
Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands Bureau
W 42
Signal Office
W 43
Soldiers' Home, District of Columbia
W 44
Army Medical Department
W 45
War Records Office
W 46
Gettysburg National Military Park Commission
W 47
Cuban Census Office
W 48
Porto (Puerto) Rico Census Office
W 49
Taft Commission or Philippine Commission, 1900 -
W 50
California Debris Commission
W 51
Pacific Division
W 52
Department of Washington (refers to D.C.)
W 53
Coast Artillery Office
W 54
Vicksburg National Military Park Commission
W 55
Army War College
W 56
Department of Luzon
W 57
Department of Havana and Pinar del Rio
W 58
Department of Matanzas and Santa Clara
W 59
Department of Santiago and Puerto Principe
W 60
Department of Western Cuba
W 61
Submarine Defense School
W 62
Northern Division
W 63
Shiloh National Military Park Commission
W 64
Atlantic Division
W 65
Department of Arizona
W 66
Department of the South and Division of the South
W 67
Department of Virginia and North Carolina and Division of the James
W 68
International Waterways Commission
W 69
Southwestern Division
W 70
Militia Affairs Division
W 71
Department of Alaska
W 72
Department of Mindanao
W 73
Isthmian Canal Commission, 1904 -
W 74
Alaska Road Commission
W 75
Porto (Puerto) Rico

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