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1909 Checklist

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Checklist of United States Public Documents, 1789 - 1909

Last update: January 22, 2010

Send comments to:
Carlos A. Diaz

Title Page | Preface to the Third Edition | Abbreviations & Explanations
Table of Contents | Introduction | First 14 Congresses | Congressional Tables

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Related Resources
American State Papers | U.S. Serial Set
War Department Papers, 1784 - 1800

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1909 Checklist SuDocs Listing: N

Last update: July 31, 2007

Send comments to:
Carlos A. Diaz

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SuDocs Stem:
Navy Department
N 1
Office of the Secretary of the Navy
N 2
Assistant Secretary of the Navy
N 3
Admiral of Navy
N 4
Construction and Repair Bureau
  • Formerly: Bureau of Construction, Equipment, and Repairs which split to become: N 4, Construction and Repair Bureau and N 5, Bureau of Equipment and Recruiting
N 5
Equipment Bureau
  • Formerly: Bureau of Equipment and Recruiting
  • Earlier: N 4, Bureau of Construction, Equipment, and Repairs
N 6
Hydrographic Office
  • Earlier: Depot of Charts and Instruments (1830-1842)
  • Earlier: N 18 , Bureau of Ordnance and Hydrography or Ordnance Bureau
  • Earlier: United States Naval Observatory and Hydrographical Office (1854-1866)
  • Earlier: N 17 , Bureau of Navigation (1862-1898, 1910-1942)
  • Earlier: N 5 , Bureau of Equipment (1898-1910)
N 7
Navy Judge-Advocate General
N 8
Solicitor of Navy Department
N 9
Marine Corps
N 10
Medicine and Surgery Bureau
N 11
Nautical Almanac Office
N 12
Naval Academy
N 13
Naval Intelligence Office
N 14
Naval Observatory
N 15
Naval War College
N 16
Library and Naval War Records Office
N 17
Navigation Bureau
N 18
Ordnance Bureau
N 19
Steam Engineering Bureau
N 20
Supplies and Accounts Bureau
N 21
Yards and Stocks Bureau
National Academy of Sciences
National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers

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