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1909 Checklist

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Checklist of United States Public Documents, 1789 - 1909

Last update: January 22, 2010

Send comments to:
Carlos A. Diaz

Title Page | Preface to the Third Edition | Abbreviations & Explanations
Table of Contents | Introduction | First 14 Congresses | Congressional Tables

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Related Resources
American State Papers | U.S. Serial Set
War Department Papers, 1784 - 1800

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1909 Checklist Alphabetical Listing: E

Last update: July 3, 2007

Send comments to:
Carlos A. Diaz

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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Government Agency:
Page number(s):
East Department (W 17) pgs. 1292 -1293
Eastern Dispensary and Casualty Hospital (DC 34) pg. 405
Economy and Efficiency Commission (Y 3.Ec 7) pg. 1512
Education and Labor Committee - House (Y 4.Ed 8/1:) pg. 1558
Education and Labor Committee - Senate (Y 4.Ed 8/3:) pgs. 1558 - 1559
Education Board (DC 18) pg. 398
Education Bureau (I 16) pgs, 460 - 467
Education Committee - House (Y 4.Ed 8/2:) pg. 1558
Eighth Census - 1860 (I 9) pg. 447
Election of President, Vice-President and
Representatives Committee - House (Y 4.El 2/1:)
pg. 1559
Elections Committee - House (Y 4.El 2/2:) pgs. 1559 - 1560
Electoral Commission of 1877 (Y 3.El 2) pg. 1512
Electrical Department (DC 25) pg. 402
Eleventh Census - 1890 (I 12) pgs. 451 - 455
Employer's Liability and Workman's Compensation Commission (Y 3.Em 7/1) pg. 1513
Engineer Department, District of Columbia (DC 10) pg. 395
Engineer Department, War Department (W 7) pgs. 1260 - 1276
Engraving and Printing Bureau (T 18) pgs. 1079 - 1080
Entomological Commission (I 26) pg. 549
Entomological Division (A 8) pgs. 222 - 223
Entomology Bureau (A 9) pgs. 223 - 227
Epidemic Diseases, Select Committee on Origin, Introduction,
and Prevention of - House (Y 4.Ep 4/1:)
pg. 1560
Epidemic Diseases Committee - Senate (Y 4.Ep 4/2:) pg. 1560
Equipment Bureau (N 5) pgs. 703 - 713
Ether Discovery, Select Committee on - House (Y 4.Et 3/1:) pg. 1561
Ether Discovery, Select Committee on - Senate (Y 4.Et 3/2:) pg. 1561
Ethnology, Bureau of American (SI 2) pgs. 990 - 992
Examiners Board (T 19) pg. 1080
Excise Board (DC 11) pg. 395
Executive Departments, Joint Commission on Laws Organizing (Y 3.Ex 3:)
(aka Dockery Commission or Cockrell Commission)
pg. 1513
Expenditures in Department of Agriculture Committee - House (Y 4.Ex 7/1:) pg. 1561
Expenditures in Department of Commerce and Labor Committee - House (Y 4.Ex 7/2) pg. 1561
Expenditures in Interior Department Committee - House (Y 4.Ex 7/3) pg. 1561
Expenditures of Justice Department Committee - House (Y 4.Ex 7/4) pg. 1561
Expenditures in Navy Department Committee - House (Y 4.Ex 7/5) pgs. 1561 - 1562
Expenditures in Post Office Department Committee - House (Y 4.Ex 7/6) pg. 1562
Expenditures on Public Buildings Committee - House (Y 4.Ex 7/7) pg. 1562
Expenditures in State Department Committee - House (Y 4.Ex 7/8) pg. 1562
Expenditures in Treasury Department Committee - House (Y 4.Ex 7/9) pg. 1562
Expenditures in War Department Committee - House (Y 4.Ex 7/10) pg. 1562
Experiment Stations Office (A 10) pgs. 227 - 239

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